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Functional Distribution of Multimodal Diffusion: Multiscale Modeling and Computation
2021/05/13 16:33:46     ( 点击:)

主讲人邓伟华 教授

工作单位兰州大学 金沙2004路线js5

报告时间 2021513 16:00


报告题目 Functional Distribution of Multimodal Diffusion: Multiscale Modeling and Computation



 It has been widely recognized that anomalous diffusion is a very general phenomenon in the natural world, which is characterized by the nonlinear evolution of mean-squared displacement with respect to time, i.e., with . The common examples are for a subdiffusive continuous-time random walk with a divergent first moment of waiting time and for a Lévy flight with a divergent second moment of jump length. The common feature of the two typical anomalous diffusive processes is their single mode of the motions. However, a particle moving in a complex or even seemingly simple structures might present simultaneous modes, such as the tracing particle under the effect of a flow acting in the phase space of chaotic Hamiltonian systems.

Functional is a class of statistical observables, having wide applications in almost all disciplines. This talk will discuss the multiscale modeling and computation of functional distribution for diffusion with multiple modes.


报告人简介:邓伟华,教授,博士生导师,兰州大学金沙2004路线js5副院长、计算数学研究所所长。主要研究领域:1、反常与非遍历扩散、幂律衰减的波传播:模型、理论、 算法及应用;2、随机模型、理论、算法及应用。获教育部自然科学二等奖(反常与非遍历动力学多尺度模型及算法),教育部新世纪优秀人才中国数学会计算数学分会第十届常务理事获霍英东教育基金会高等院校青年教师奖获飞天学者“青年学者”称号,以及中国计算数学会青年创新奖提名奖任《Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications》和《Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data ScienceAssociate Editor,Computer and Mathematics with Applications》和《高等学校计算数学学报》等刊物Editorial Board Member。

